Rob Johnston
“Fantastic…an absolute pleasure” BBC Radio Solent.
"..a mighty, mighty fine player.”
South Live, BBC Radio.
"..the sound he generates from just a steel stringed guitar
is astounding.. Awesome guitar technique…." Folking.com

We are back at The Southsea cinema and Art Centre (SOLD OUT last time in December and by popular demand!) Sat 13th April, 8.00 following the amazing live film, Sign ‘o’ the Times (Prince of course!!)
Film price includes the concert or come along at 8.00 but consider a donation at the end.
If you like it (or can’t make that), we are back there again 19th May!
This a lovely, cosy 60 seat venue (bar etc.) so get there early for a seat. Details here:
Other dates now confirmed are:
Sat 13th April Southsea, eve
Sun 19th May, Southsea art centre, Sunday afternoon.
Fri 7th June, Chichester fringe
Sat 13th July Romsey Beggars Fair 4.00, The Cocky Anchor (solo)
Fri 19th July, Southsea Beach Café, eve
Sat August 31st, Compton Festival.
Fri 27th September, Gosport Museum and Art Gallery. Eve
7th Feb 2025 Petersfield Museum
(Victorious, Portsmouth TBC)
Hope to have more and will update ASAP!
Tim and I are working on an album of mostly instrumental guitar and percussion pieces; new ideas and some rearranged for the duo. The word is ‘eclectic’!
I have a backlog of my own songs with guitar and recording underway for this project as well.
Tim Gower (ace percussionist!) and I were thrilled to be the support act for Folk rock legends LINDISFARNE! at the renowned South Downs Folk Festival sept 24th '22. It was a treat to meet and chat with them at the Alexander Theatre (see the video highlights top right).
We had a superb audience at the Festival of Chichester in the beautifully restored Graylingwell chapel Art Centre, 25th June '22, (See video ) then again there for the Chichester Fringe event 18th June '23.
We played at the mighty VICTORIOUS FESTIVAL in Portsmouth, Sunday 27th August 2023!!
Please keep in touch for any info, gigs, news, etc. Email to rob_johnston26@hotmail.com
Rob's CD 'Message to the Moon'
"There are plenty of acoustic artists out there, loop pedals in tow, creating their very own one man band experiences. The difference between them and Rob Johnston is that this guy has his guitar so powerfully under his spell that we haven’t seen or heard anything like him on L&L in a long, long time. Interested in looping and layering? This is how you do it."
“Rob Johnston is a guitar player of supreme quality as the sound he generates from just a steel stringed guitar is astounding.. Awesome guitar technique…. Johnston isn't just a high-class guitarist but a fine singer-songwriter as well.” Folking.com
"..confident and joyous ..fluid and reflective (and appropriately reminiscent of Martin Simpson without being cloned)..Such individual, engaging and assured playing is always a pleasure to listen to." Folk-on-Tap Magazine.
“Fantastic…an absolute pleasure” BBC Radio Solent.
He played brilliantly.. a truly stellar performer.. 'He's the best guitarist I've heard in years!' was heard throughout the audience. The man is a genius! Petersfield WriteAngle Poetry and music cabaret 2010.
“Staggering playing...a blistering session. He is a mighty, mighty fine player.” Phil Jackson, South Live, BBC Southern Counties Radio.

Sat 13th April
Southsea Art Centre, 8.00pm
Sun 19th May,
Southsea art centre, Sunday afternoon.
Fri 7th June,
Chichester fringe
Sat 13th July
Romsey Beggars Fair 4.00,
The Cocky Anchor (solo)
Fri 19th July,
Southsea Beach Café, eve
Sat August 31st,
Compton Festival.
Fri 27th September,
Gosport Museum and Art Gallery. Eve
7th Feb 2025
Petersfield Museum